I'd like to address the subject of outdoor car shows in Ohio, because I believe that they should be allowed, with proper social distancing and sanitization precautions, by the Ohio Department of Health.
There is not a specific ban on outdoor car shows in Ohio that I'm aware of, but the statewide limitation on gatherings still limits all gatherings to no more than 10 people, except in special circumstances like weddings.
I believe we should receive the green light for outdoor car shows in Ohio because they are inherently safer and more distanced than many of the indoor facilities currently re-opening with Governor DeWine's It's hard to imagine that a parking lot is less safe than a laser tag arena or trampoline park when it comes to avoiding close contact with other people and not touching things like door handles, restroom facilities, etc.
If locations like the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium can be safely enjoyed, so too could a Columbus Cars and Coffee meet at Byers Imports, or any of the numerous annual shows coming up this summer/fall supporting a variety of charitable organizations and causes.
I've contacted the Ohio Department of Health to ask for clarification and guidance on this issue, and I hope you will do the same. We all want to follow the rules and ensure the safety of our car shows, but it seems unreasonable to restrict them based solely on the number of people in attendance.
To request that the Ohio Department of Health to give outdoor car shows in Ohio the "green light," visit their website here!
Paul Milligan
Columbus Cars and Coffee
I have sent the following letter to Governor DeWine:
June 5, 2020
Governor Mike DeWine
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 S. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Dear Governor DeWine,
Thank you for guiding Ohio through the COVID-19 pandemic with the kind of leadership which makes Ohioans proud of their state. Now that we’re re-opening, I’m writing to request that outdoor car shows in our state be recognized as permitted, provided that safety guidelines are followed.
In my view, car shows are inherently safer than many of the indoor facilities currently re-opening because they’re all outdoors and close contact with other people is not required.
We have learned how to properly socially distance people, reduce touch points, wear face masks, and otherwise reduce the risk of infection, all from the example set by the many businesses successfully re-opening across the state.
In addition to being a fun outdoor activity, car shows provide fundraising opportunities for many Ohio nonprofit organizations. I serve on the Foundation Board of Directors for The Buckeye Ranch and the largest fundraiser for that organization involves a car show at Easton, which may not currently be allowed without clarification and guidance from the State of Ohio.
I also own and operate Columbus Cars and Coffee, a monthly gathering of car collectors and enthusiasts, which is responsible for many of the most popular car shows in Central Ohio. We have also held off on our season pending further guidance from the State.
If your team has any questions about how car shows could be held safely, I would be happy to provide insights and guidance which could be used by anyone hoping to host a car show in Ohio. I would also be willing to donate the production of a short video providing safety guidelines for car shows, free for use by the State, and the video could be posted on the coronavirus.Ohio.Gov website.
Please consider adding outdoor car shows to the next round of re-opening, and don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or if I can be of service.
Sincerely yours,
Paul S. Milligan
Columbus Cars and Coffee